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Subiecte pentru nutriție

Balsamic Vinegar 06 11 16 22
Bicarbonat de sodiu (NaHCO3) 07 12 17 23
Cazeină 08 13 18 24
04 09 14 19 25
05 10 15 20 26

Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar of Modeno — the ones we find at most grocery stores— is “commercial grade” balsamic vinegar.
In other words, it is fake balsamic vinegar.
In most cases, the balsamic vinegar we get is just grape juice
with just a little bit of vinegar, artificial coloring and caramel.

Balsamic Vinegar is produced from white grapes (typically, Trebbiano grapes) and must be aged at least 12 years.
True balsamic vinegar will have a thick pouring consistency.
Real balsamic vinegar is not made from grape juice that is fermented into wine, like conventional wine vinegar.
Instead, it is made from unfermented grape must (freshly-pressed juice),
which is concentrated by simmering for hours until it becomes a thick, caramelized syrup.
(Thus, authentic balsamic is not a wine vinegar.)
Unfortunately, with weak American labeling laws, it is really hard to tell what you are getting.
The words “of modena” or “di modena” really mean the modern, fake process of mixing wine vinegar with grape must.
If you only pay $5 an ounce, your balsamic vinegar is probably fake.

“Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena” is made from white and sugary Trebbiano grapes grown on the hills around Modena.
Custom demands that the grapes are harvested as late as possible to take advantage of the warmth that nature provides there.
This traditional vinegar is made from the cooked grape “must” and is aged for a minimum of 12 years or 25 years
(denoted by the label claim “extra aged”).
The aging process occurs inside barrels of successively smaller size of different kinds of wood,
such as juniper, chesnut, mulberry and oak.

Balsamic vinegars produced domestically in the United States are made from wine vinegar blended with grape juice or grape “must”.
Caramel may be added in small levels for color stability.
Some juice may be subjected to an alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentation and some to concentration or heating.
In the United States, products are also allowed to be labeled as “Balsamic Vinegar” based on the U.S. labeling laws.

How To Tell if Balsamic Vinegar Is Real
Unfortunately, most people have never had real balsamic vinegar as it is very expensive, going for over $100 for 3oz (88.72ml).
(1 fluid ounce (fl oz) is equal to 30 ml)
Look at the list of ingredients on the balsamic bottle label.
The key is to look at the ingredients list for the words “grape must”, “aged grape must,” or “Mosto d’Uva.”
This is vinegar that is made 100% from grape must without any other ingredients added
and follows a similar method of production as the traditional balsamic.
DO not buy balsamic vinegar with added caramel coloring and sugar.
These are the lowest quality industrially produced balsamic vinegars.


Hopa sus !

Bicarbonat de sodiu (NaHCO3)

Le bicarbonate de soude : un produit miracle !

In apa calda cu bicarbonat de sodiu iti tii picioarele obosite la inmuiat 15 minute.
In amestec cu otet pentru spalat baia
Te prafuiesti la subtioara cu praf NaHCO3 impotriva mirosului de transpiratie.
Se presara in incaltaminte, inlatura mirosul.
... ... ...
NaHCO3 (sel Vichy)
Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 ? 2 NaHCO3
Na2CO3 (carbonat de sodiu)

Se poate dizolva 9,57 g à 20 °C sau 19,7 g à 80 °C.

Dissous dans l'eau,
il évite la précipitation, d'ordinaire si facile,
des ions Ca2+ en carbonate de calcium ou calcaire.
Voici l'origine de ces propriétés adoucissantes.

Le bicarbonate de sodium, solide et impur, perd du dioxyde de carbone,
très faiblement à partir de 50°C mais plus fortement à partir de 70°C.
Il s'agit de la réaction inverse de dégradation de la soude Solvay

2 NaHCO3 poudre chauffée ? Na2CO3 solide + CO2 gaz + H2O gaz

Plus la température s'élève, plus un véritable dégazage de CO2 est constaté, notamment à 100°C.
Il est ainsi utilisé comme un agent chimique levant de pâtes farineuses et de divers gâteaux.
La levure chimique comprend NaHCO3, mais aussi deux acides et un liant comme l'amidon.
Le premier des deux acides est l'acide tartrique humide
qui permet la naissance de cavité à faible température.
Un second sel acide est nécessaire pour son action d'accroissement de la cavité à température plus élevée.

Piégé dans le réseau élastique du gluten,
protéine du blé permettant d'obtenir par exemple une pâte à pain plastique et malaxable mécaniquement,
ce gaz en expansion, émis par l'action différenciée des deux acides,
augmente le volume de la pâte avant d'être évacué en fin de cuisson.
Le gâteau révèle finalement une texture plus moelleuse.

Il est converti en carbonate de sodium à 100°C.
2 NaHCO3 poudresolide ? Na2CO3 anhydre + H2O gaz + CO2 gaz

... ... ...
Asa creste aluatul:
2 NaHCO3(poudre chauffée la 50-70°C) ? Na2CO3(solide) + CO2(gaz) + H2O(gaz)

L'ajout d'une pincée de bicarbonate permet également de monter facilement des blancs en neige.
... ... ...

Autres utilisations
- Anodisation (appelé parfois éloxage) de l'aluminium
- Agent de traitement anti-acariens


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