10 Free web hosting sites

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Although the modern Internet community is moving towards social networks and clouds,
there is still some space for traditional free web hosting that enables to publish a custom web page,
or custom blog, or other “manually” build website on the web at absolutely no cost.

In this article we provide an overview of the most desirable and the best free web hosting features
as well as suggest 10 free web hosting providers that in our opinion
offer the best free hosting services in terms of offered features and customer support.

Free web hosting no ads stands for a web host service or provider that does not add any adverts (banners, pop-ups, text links, etc.)
to free web pages and website that they host for free.

Free domain hosting stands for webhost services or providers that enable clients to host their own domain names
(registered at 3rd party domain registration service) on webhost’s servers at no additional cost.

And free domain hosting can also refer to website hosts services that provide a free domain name included with their free webhosting plan.

Free PHP MySQL hosting stands for the web page hosting service or provider
that offers the popular PHP scripting and MySQL database support included with their free website hosting plan.

In regards to the best free hosts, we can suggest to check the following list of the 10 free hosting providers
that we’d recommend to consider using to host your free web site, weblog, community forums, image gallery, etc.:

  1. biz.nf (PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Joomla, Free .co.nf domain, No ads)
  2. freehostingeu.com (Blog / Site builder, No ads, Free .eu.pn domain)
  3. wix.com (Easy Website builder: html5, Flash, mobile, blogs, etc.)
  4. websitebuilder.com (1000′s templates, Google/mobile friendly, .website)
  5. biz.ly (Website & Blog builder, Photo album, Free .biz.ly domain)
  6. awardspace.com (PHP, MySQL, Email Sending, No ads, Free subdomain)
  7. jimdo.com (Visual website builder, add videos, photos, shopping cart)
  8. byethost.com (PHP, MySQL, PHPbb, SMF, Wiki, Free subdomain)
  9. webs.com (Easy site builder, blog, forms, polls, Free subdomain)
  10. weebly.com (Themes, Drag & Drop Creator, Easy Blog, eCommerce)

and also see visitor’s reviews of best free website hosting providers.

 Almost Free Web Hosting

And in case you’d like to host your lovely website with much more reliable and customer focused web hosting provider
that a free web host can not afford,
and if you do not mind to pay few dollars for the advanced service,
you might be interested to consider the following website hosting providers
that offer quite cheap (almost free hosting) service:

  1. hostgator.com
  2. ipage.com
  3. justhost.com/

and also you can take a look at 10 web hosting list at prchecker.info site.

See more Web Hosting Tips

Also check these:
» Best Free Domain Name services
» Why to Choose Green web hosting?
